With the universal 3D viewer for smartphones TOYin3D, you can view 3D content easily accessible and affordable for all budgets, any phone can be used, Easy to use, and no special software needed.
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If you are a company, institution, media, freelance, university and / or research center, school, record producer ... and you want your custom TOYin3D to promote a film, event, 3D game, commercial, documentaries, educational 3D videos, music videos, etc ... Or just want to be a distributor of TOYin3D.
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Estado Latente S.L. has just brought to market its TOYin3D patent, a device for viewing 3D (stereoscopic) content on any smartphone*The new TOYin3D is a view up which can be used to display 3D content directly on your mobile phone in a simple, accessible way, without the need to have any special software installed.
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What are talking about our creatures around the world ;-)
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If you have any questions, opinion, or want to send a notice, please contact us.
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